As the conflict intensifies, misconceptions and biases surge.
In these critical times, equipping individuals with unbiased education, knowledge, and understanding isn't just important—it's imperative!
Inside The Middle East | Intelligence Perspectives [ITME], founded by Avi Melamed - reaches millions around the world - counteracting the tide of oversimplified narratives and misinformation with articles, videos, media interviews across the globe!
Following Avi's presentation at your JCC, we received numerous requests for the PowerPoint and for access to Avi's materials. The ITME PORTAL is your "one-stop" to access Avi's resources, webinars, etc. Please check back here....
Bring Clarity to Your Campus Today!
“I am an EDUCATOR – not an advocator. I believe the essence of education is not telling people what to think. It is about teaching people HOW to think.”
~ Avi Melamed, AVI MELAMED Geopolitical Middle East Expert | Intelligence Analyst | Educator
> To Understand Israel, We Must Understand the Middle East.
> Apolitical Non-Partisan Middle East Education
+ PLUS Arab Perspectives often absent in Western discourse,
Avi bridges divides by equipping supporters with informed understanding and fostering openness among critics, fostering constructive dialogue.