Avi Melamed

Avi Melamed is an expert on current affairs in the Arab & Muslim World and their impact on Israel & the Middle East. A former Israeli Intelligence Official & Senior Official on Arab Affairs, Fluent in Arabic, English, and Hebrew, he has held high-risk Government, Senior Advisory, Intelligence & Counter-Terrorist intelligence positions in Arab cities & communities - often in very sensitive times - on behalf of Israeli Government agencies. He is the Founder & CEO of Inside the Middle East | Intelligence Perspectives - an apolitical non-partisan curriculum using intelligence methodology to examine the Middle East. As an Author, Educator, Expert, and Strategic Intelligence Analyst, Avi provides Intelligence Analysis, Briefings, and Geopolitical Tours to diplomats, Israeli and foreign policymakers, global media outlets, and a wide variety of international businesses, organizations, and private clients on a range of Israel and Middle East Affairs.

More Articles

İsrail yönetiminde çatlak mı var? Netanyahu’yla ordu arasında kriz iddiası | AYDINLIK TURKEY

Avi Melamed insights quoted in the article by Gözen Esmer for the AYDINLIK, TURKEY, "İsrail yönetiminde çatlak mı var? Netanyahu'yla ordu arasında kriz iddiası." İsrail'de yayın yapan Yediot Ahronot gazetesi, Başbakan Binyamin Netanyahu ile İsrail ordusu...

كيف تبقى إيران بعيدة عن حرب إسرائيل على حماس؟ | ALARAB UK

Avi Melamed’s insights were quoted in this article | كيف تبقى إيران بعيدة عن حرب إسرائيل على حماس؟ | ALARAB UK وقال آفي ميلاميد، المسؤول السابق في المخابرات الإسرائيلية والمفاوض خلال الانتفاضتين الأولى والثانية،...

Netanyahu ile ordu arasında kriz iddiası | HAKKARI OBJEKTIF HABER TURKEY

Avi Melamed insights quoted in the HAKKARI OBJEKTIF HABER, TURKEY, "Netanyahu ile ordu arasında kriz iddiası." İsrail Başbakanı Binyamin Netanyahu'nun mevcut gelişmeler ışığında ülkeye liderlik etme konusundaki yeterliliğinden şüphe duyan bazı siyasetçi, askeri ve istihbaratçıların Netanyahu'yu...

Hoće li Iran napasti Izrael? Insajderi bliski vrhu islamskog režima: ‘Teheran je gurnut u neugodnu poziciju’ | TELEGRAM CROATIA

Avi Melamed insights quoted in this for the TELEGRAM - CROATIA, "Hoće li Iran napasti Izrael? Insajderi bliski vrhu islamskog režima: 'Teheran je gurnut u neugodnu poziciju." Osam dana nakon početka rata na Bliskom istoku Iran...

路透社:哈瑪斯與以色列開戰 伊朗或感身陷兩難 | HK01 – HONG KONG

Avi Melamed insights quoted in the article by 藺思含 for HK01 - HONG KONG "路透社:哈瑪斯與以色列開戰 伊朗或感身陷兩難"

Iran’s Quandary: How to Stay out of Israel’s War on Hamas | REUTERS

Avi Melamed’s insights quoted in “Iran's quandary: How to stay out of Israel's war on Hamas", an article by Parisa Hafezi, Jonathan Saul and Arshad Mohammed in Jerusalem for REUTERS. Former military officers and politicians say...

Netanyahu told to ‘quit now’ as ex-leaders pin blame on dysfunctional government | THE GUARDIAN

Avi Melamed’s insights quoted in “Netanyahu told to ‘quit now’ as ex-leaders pin blame on dysfunctional government", an article by Ruth Michaelson in Jerusalem for THE GUARDIAN. Former military officers and politicians say prime minister bears...

Iran’s Dilemma – To Risk Hezbollah in the North to Save Hamas in the South | I24 NEWS

Iran's Dilemma - To risk Hezbollah in the North to save Hamas in the south | Avi Melamed on I24 - 22.10.2023" in courtesy of i24NEWS #hamasattack #israel #gaza https://youtu.be/SB78h44Bbh4 Iran's Dilema - To risk Hezbollah in the...

Israel’s tactics and targets in Gaza as it works through Hamas ‘kill list’ | THE TELEGRAPH UK

Avi Melamed’s insights quoted in “Israel’s tactics and targets in Gaza as it works through Hamas ‘kill list’", an article by By James Rothwell in Berlin and Alfie Neville-Jones for The Telegraph. Precision air strikes have...



Iran’s threat to Israel is real. A few hours shuffled the strategic deck | USA TODAY

Iran's threat to Israel is real. A few hours shuffled the strategic deck. What's next? | Avi Melamed special to the USA TODAY Network...

Zoom-In: The Red Sea

Zoom-In: The Red Sea There are two recent significant developments to follow related to the Red Sea, Zoom-In. Council of Red Sea Shore and Gulf of...

Mysterious Blasts as Hezbollah Sinks in the Syrian Mud

Mysterious Blasts as Hezbollah Sinks in the Syrian Mud Nasrallah made a speech tonight (Israel time) in which he claimed responsibility for the launching of...

Netanyahu ile ordu arasında kriz iddiası | HAKKARI OBJEKTIF HABER TURKEY

Avi Melamed insights quoted in the HAKKARI OBJEKTIF HABER, TURKEY, "Netanyahu ile ordu arasında kriz iddiası." İsrail Başbakanı Binyamin Netanyahu'nun mevcut gelişmeler ışığında ülkeye liderlik...

Trump allana el peor escenario para Hamás | ULTIMA HORA

El pretendido oportunismo de Irán en el momento más bajo del Eje de Resistencia | Avi Melamed quoted by Antoni Agüera in this article...