Avi Melamed

Avi Melamed is an expert on current affairs in the Arab & Muslim World and their impact on Israel & the Middle East. A former Israeli Intelligence Official & Senior Official on Arab Affairs, Fluent in Arabic, English, and Hebrew, he has held high-risk Government, Senior Advisory, Intelligence & Counter-Terrorist intelligence positions in Arab cities & communities - often in very sensitive times - on behalf of Israeli Government agencies. He is the Founder & CEO of Inside the Middle East | Intelligence Perspectives - an apolitical non-partisan curriculum using intelligence methodology to examine the Middle East. As an Author, Educator, Expert, and Strategic Intelligence Analyst, Avi provides Intelligence Analysis, Briefings, and Geopolitical Tours to diplomats, Israeli and foreign policymakers, global media outlets, and a wide variety of international businesses, organizations, and private clients on a range of Israel and Middle East Affairs.

More Articles

Tunnels in Gaza Are Boobytrapped by Hamas & Ready To Detonate Regardless of Palestinians Lives | I24 NEWS

Tunnels in Gaza Are Boobytrapped by Hamas & Ready To Detonate Regardless of Palestinians Lives | Avi Melamed on I24 News - 25.10.2023" in courtesy of i24NEWS hamasattack #israel #gaza https://youtu.be/jUOSWShyN2w Tunnels in Gaza Are Boobytrapped by Hamas...

Israel ground offensive on hold amid growing calls for truce | FRANCE 24 DEBATE

Israel ground offensive on hold amid growing calls for truce | FRANCE 24 DEBATE Panel with Avi Melamed | October 23, 2023 When will the full ground offensive start? Why hasn't it happened yet? Should Netanyahu resign now? \...

Irans Kalkül im Israel-Krieg: Mullah-Regime will weder Konfrontation noch Rückzug | FRANKFURTER RUNDSCHAU

Avi Melamed insights quoted in the article by Robert Wagner for the FRANKFURTER RUNDSCHAU, "Irans Kalkül im Israel-Krieg: Mullah-Regime will weder Konfrontation noch Rückzug." Der Iran, Schirmherr der Hamas, gilt als wichtiger Faktor für eine mögliche...

Middle East expert reveals Hamas’ ‘tactic’ after releasing two further hostages | SKYNEWS

Middle East expert reveals Hamas’ ‘tactic’ after releasing two further hostages | Avi Melamed on SKY NEWS First Edition | https://youtu.be/v3C5HqWCOZA Former Israeli Intelligence Officer Avi Melamed says Hamas releasing two more hostages is part of...

以巴衝突擴大關鍵在伊朗 德黑蘭「內憂外患」顧忌參戰有四大原因 【以巴衝突擴大關鍵在伊朗 德黑蘭「內憂外患」顧忌參戰有四大原因】 出處:信傳媒 | CM XIN MEDIA TAIWAN

Avi Melamed insights quoted in the article by 洪培英 for CM XIN MEDIA “以巴衝突擴大關鍵在伊朗 德黑蘭「內憂外患」顧忌參戰有四大原因 【以巴衝突擴大關鍵在伊朗 德黑蘭「內憂外患」顧忌參戰有四大原因】 出處:信傳媒”

Hamas is the ‘twin brother of ISIS’ | TIMES RADIO TV Podcast

Hamas is the ‘twin brother of ISIS’ with Former intelligence official Avi Melamed on Times Radio “A terror organisation is kidnapping babies and kids and women, holding them as a bargaining chip, and the world is...

Israel–Hamas War Analysis Qatar’s Hamas Office, ‘Realpolitik’ in Spotlight | NTD News

Israel–Hamas War Analysis Qatar’s Hamas Office, ‘Realpolitik’ in Spotlight | By Kevin Hogan with Avi Melamed | October 23, 2023 NTD Good Morning. https://youtu.be/cu69j-cVSww NTD has some in-depth analysis of Qatar’s influential role in the conflict...

Iran Also to Blame for Hamas Attacks, Says Inside the Middle East Founder | JEWISH TIMES BALTIMORE

Avi Melamed’s insights quoted in “Iran Also to Blame for Hamas Attacks, Says Inside the Middle East Founder", an article by the JEWISH TIMES BALTIMORE. The Weinberg Park Heights JCC recently hosted Israeli author, analyst and...

Opposition to Netanyahu grows amid Israel’s deadly Gaza onslaught | PRESS TV – IRAN

Avi Melamed’s insights quoted in “Opposition to Netanyahu grows amid Israel’s deadly Gaza onslaught", an article by Ethan Bronner for PRESS TV - IRAN. Press TV is Iran’s first 24/7 international television news network that broadcasts...



Israel sending ‘strong message’ to Iran that nuclear facilities ‘within range’ of missiles | EXPRESS UK

Israel sending 'strong message' to Iran that nuclear facilities 'within range' of missiles | Avi Melamed’s insights quoted by Aurora Bosotti for the Express...

Amid the blasts of countless bombs, the rattle of gunfire shows Israelis are in Gaza – and will stay | THE GUARDIAN

Avi Melamed’s insights quoted in “Amid the blasts of countless bombs, the rattle of gunfire shows Israelis are in Gaza – and will stay",...

Israel – A Third Intifada on the Rise? | PODCAST

Israel - A Third Intifada on the Rise? | Alma’s Ibrahim Abu Ahmad and intelligence analyst and Avi Melamed, founder of Inside The Middle...

How Syria could turn into another global nightmare | DAILY MAIL

How Syria could turn into another global nightmare | Avi Melamed quoted by David Averre in the article For Daily Mail. source article here...

Operation Protective Edge: Exiting to a New Space

Operation Protective Edge: Exiting to a New Space This is the English version of the Hebrew article I posted yesterday. In my article Operation Protective Edge –...