Avi Melamed

Avi Melamed is an expert on current affairs in the Arab & Muslim World and their impact on Israel & the Middle East. A former Israeli Intelligence Official & Senior Official on Arab Affairs, Fluent in Arabic, English, and Hebrew, he has held high-risk Government, Senior Advisory, Intelligence & Counter-Terrorist intelligence positions in Arab cities & communities - often in very sensitive times - on behalf of Israeli Government agencies. He is the Founder & CEO of Inside the Middle East | Intelligence Perspectives - an apolitical non-partisan curriculum using intelligence methodology to examine the Middle East. As an Author, Educator, Expert, and Strategic Intelligence Analyst, Avi provides Intelligence Analysis, Briefings, and Geopolitical Tours to diplomats, Israeli and foreign policymakers, global media outlets, and a wide variety of international businesses, organizations, and private clients on a range of Israel and Middle East Affairs.

More Articles

Hezbollah Sunni Tension Rises

Hezbollah Sunni Tension Rises March 1, 2012, Avi publishes and article Is war in the Middle East inevitable? In which he outlines the increasing probability of a violent collision between Hezbollah and the Sunnis in Syria and Lebanon following the downfall of the Assad regime in Syria.  “…The majority of Syrians are Sunnis....

Who is Nasrallah Really Afraid Of?

Who is Nasrallah Really Afraid Of? August 14, 2011 Avi Melamed wrote in his article The Middle East: Where Rhetoric is Rarely Reality: “…Nasrallah has been hiding underground since 2006. And he will keep on hiding.  Nasrallah knows that once...

Nasrallah Gets a Taste of his Own Bitter Medicine

Nasrallah Gets a Taste of his Own Bitter Medicine While the world continues to witness the ongoing tragedy in Syria, there is another “mini-drama” simultaneously taking place in that country which is significant. On May 22nd reports...

Iran: Anatomy of a Desperate Society

Iran: Anatomy of a Desperate Society In 1979 Rouhallah Ayatollah Khomeini sparked the Islamic revolution in Iran.  With that Revolution the rule of the Pahlavi dynasty in Iran came to end. The Islamic Revolution established a theocratic regime in Iran, or...

Nasrallah is finished in the Arab World

Nasrallah is finished in the Arab World August 14, 2011 Avi wrote an article The Middle East:  Where Rhetoric is Rarely Reality on the impending crash of Hezbollah’s image in the Arab world.  “…The growing intervention of Iran in the internal...

Cruel Iraq Percolating Democracy

Cruel Iraq Percolating Democracy According to recent reports, at least fourteen teenagers – some argue that the number is actually much higher – were murdered in Iraq. Most of the youths were stoned and others were...

Syria Uprising Begins

Syria Uprising Begins March 5, 2011 Avi publishes an article Syria: A Glimpse behind the Curtain of Fear “… The Syrians are notorious for their brutality.  When the flames touch Syria, it will not be surprising to see that...

Sr. Hamas Leaders Declare Hamas will take no part in a war between Israel and Iran

Sr. Hamas Leaders Declare Hamas will take no part in a war between Israel and Iran March 1, 2012 Avi publishes an article Is war in the Middle east Inevitable? in which he discusses the impact of the events in...

Is War in the Middle East Inevitable?

Is War in the Middle East Inevitable? The Iranian nuclear military program and the possibility of a massive military collision in the Middle East are clearly occupying the world’s attention. These concerns are not groundless.  However, is...



ماذا يعني قرار مجلس الأمن بوقف إطلاق النار في غزة؟ | ALHURRA

Avi Melamed analysis is quoted in “ ماذا يعني قرار مجلس الأمن بوقف إطلاق النار في غزة؟” an article on Al-Hurra - 2024-03-25 |...

The Coalition of The Willing

The Coalition of The Willing | Published in The Cipherbrief,  February 2016 The collapse or weakening of state authority in different parts of...

Israel’s Gaza Siege Will Contend With People, Tunnels, Politics — and Time | BLOOMBERG

Avi Melamed’s insights quoted in “Israel’s Gaza Siege Will Contend With People, Tunnels, Politics — and Time", an article by Marc Champion for BLOOMBERG. Melamed...

From Japan to Iran: Something to Think About

From Japan to Iran: Something to Think About As the world closely and anxiously watches the nuclear drama unfold in JapanI would like to share...

“وول ستريت جورنال”: حماس تملك أسلحة أكثر فتكاً.. وعلى “إسرائيل” الاستعداد لصراع طويل | WATTAN

Avi Melamed analysis is quoted inوول ستريت جورنال": حماس تملك أسلحة أكثر فتكاً.. وعلى "إسرائيل " الاستعداد لصراع طويل " an article in WATTAN...