Seam Line Jerusalem Documentary Series Avi Melamed ITME IZZY Stream Israel

خط التماس | Kav Ha Tefer | קו התפר | The Seam Line

Documentary Series | Jerusalem

The Seam Line is a five-part documentary series examining the fragile threads that, woven together, create Jerusalem’s Christian, Jewish, and Muslim tapestry - simultaneously connecting and dividing Israelis and Palestinians, religious and secular, sacred and profane.

Living together in this multi-cultural, multi-religious, multi-identity city is not always a matter of choice, but often the consequence of history and circumstance. However, alongside the inevitable frictions and tensions, unexpected collaborations, friendships, and partnerships can and do develop.

In the late 1980s and throughout the 1990s, the Arab-Israeli conflict exploded into the intifada - lethal and violent protests and riots throughout Israel. This was the most chaotic and dangerous period in the history of the modern city of Jerusalem. Avi Melamed, a fourth-generation Jerusalemite Jew, former intelligence official, fluent Arab speaker and Middle East expert, is the host of The Seam Line. As the Advisor on Arab Affairs to two Mayors of Jerusalem during the intifada, his mission was to rebuild relations between the Arab and Jewish communities in Jerusalem. His work put him in the epicenter of this deadly storm.

The Seam Line is not a historical documentary. Rather, it is an invitation to join Avi on a personal journey through the city, from north to south, east to west. It is an unparalleled opportunity to explore the conflict in and over Jerusalem from his unique perspective. Along the way, you will meet Avi’s Arab and Jewish friends who will give you insights and perspectives rarely explored by the Western media. Their conversations also demonstrate that constructive bridges can be built in times of extreme conflict. Our goal and hope is that the philosophy, principles, and conflict resolution strategies Avi shares in this series will not only illuminate the challenges faced by a single city but open the door to a more productive discussion of the entire Israeli-Palestine conflict and, beyond that, to the complex reality of the Middle East as a whole.

Following an intelligence career in Arab cities and communities throughout the Middle East, Teddy Kollek, the iconic Mayor of Jerusalem for over 30 years, called Avi Melamed in for a special meeting. “I’ve heard good things about you,” Teddy said.

That is how Avi Melamed, at the age of 29, became the youngest Advisor on Arab Affairs in the city of Jerusalem during one of the most chaotic and violent chapters in Jerusalem’s history – the 1st and 2nd intifadas.

“THE SEAM LINE” by ITME - Inside the Middle East, Avi Melamed | A Documentary Series On Jerusalem | Produced by Ayelet Ephrati, Directed by Ethan Sarid, Assisted by Shlomit Goldin-Halevi.

His task? To enter Arab and Jewish communities and neighborhoods to contain the violence and improve the lives of all of the city’s residents. As a fourth-generation Jerusalemite Jew, but fluent Arab speaker, Avi embraced this extraordinary – and dangerous - challenge to offer hope in times of despair to a city that he is a part of – and that is a part of him. Working with the city’s residents to build bridges of understanding and cooperation, cultivate local leadership, and reduce the flames of friction and conflict, his innovate solutions were often unprecedented and groundbreaking.

Drawing on this unique background, The Seam Line is a five-part documentary journey with Avi, from the Old City to Arab and Jewish neighborhoods throughout Jerusalem that were - and are - at the heart of the city’s conflicts. Going behind the scenes to see and feel the complex and challenging geopolitical fabric of the city, The Seam Line provides a rare opportunity to explore Jerusalem through the eyes of someone who walked the line between Arab and Jewish communities during one of the most explosive periods of its history. Avi’s conversations with both Jewish and Arab residents reach beyond the physical borders and particular challenges facing this ancient city to embrace perspectives on Jerusalem, Israel, and the Middle East seldom, if ever, addressed by the Western media or in Western discourse.

The Seamline does not attempt to tell you what to think about Jerusalem – or about the Middle East generally. Instead, drawing on the two pillars that underpin Avi’s broader educational effort – Inside the Middle East – the series encourages the viewer, first, to see the city’s conflicts in the context of the broader cross-currents of the Middle East (or as Avi puts it: “To understand Israel, you must understand the neighborhood”) and, secondly, to adopt, foster and promote critical thinking based on local perspectives and realities. In short, to view Jerusalem from within; to see the city from the points of view of its inhabitants, free of the perspectives and preoccupations of outside observers. Approaching its subject from this apolitical, non-partisan perspective, we hope The Seam Line helps to open the door to a more productive dialogue about the Israeli-Palestine conflict and the broader reality of the Middle East.

Episode 01 - Jerusalem | Living On The Edge Of Eternity

Episode 01 - Jerusalem | Living On The Edge Of Eternity

This episode brings us face to face with an important truth about Jerusalem's geopolitical reality, a revelation with far-reaching implications. As we uncover this critical fact, we take a step closer to understanding the delicate balance that defines Jerusalem - a city that serves as the epicenter for history, culture, religion & conflict in the Middle East...

Episode 02 - Existence | Coexistence

Episode 02 - Existence | Coexistence

Step into the timeless allure of Jerusalem's Old City, a square mile teeming with history and diversity. Experience one of the world's most visited destinations, where Muslims, Armenians, Christians, and Jews live side by side. Delve into the delicate reality that lies beneath this vibrant tapestry. Explore the lesser-known aspects of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict...

Episode 03 - Tolerance | Fanaticism

Episode 03 - Tolerance | Fanaticism

Discover the captivating Seam Line between tolerance and fanaticism on the Temple Mount as Avi Melamed guides you through a gripping exploration. Unveil the compelling narratives of Har Habayit & Al-Haram Al-Sharif, where emotions, spirituality, and religious significance converge for Jews and Muslims alike. Experience the untold stories at the crossroads of peace...

Episode 04 - Politics | Pragmatism

Episode 04 - Politics | Pragmatism

During the first Intifada, the younger Palestinian generation prioritized violent resistance over daily life needs and services, leading to a collapse of municipal and government services in Arab neighborhoods. One of the epicenters of violence in Jerusalem was Isawiya. Join Avi Melamed as he returns to Isawiya & reconnects with his Arab partners, who bravely risked their safety to...

Episode 05 - Fences | Bridges

Episode 05 - Fences | Bridges

Amidst the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, hope emerged from the heart of two Seam-Line neighborhoods, East Talpiot & Jabal al-Mukabbar. In this final episode, we encounter the extraordinary efforts of community leaders who embarked on a journey of pragmatic dialogue, spearheaded by Avi Melamed. Decades later, their stories shed light on achievements, challenges...

Filming Locations Scouting

On Set | Day #3

On Set | With Avi Melamed

Behind the Camera

IZZY was founded by Josh Hoffman and launched in August 2020.

The project is in partnership with and is being streamed on an Israeli-based streaming platform IZZY Stream Israel.

Josh is a young energetic Jewish entrepreneur who made Aliyah to Israel following his Birthright experience.

IZZY is a subscription-based broadcasting and marketing platform that provides Israeli content to an international audience.

The Seam Line is the first IZZY original production and therefore all five episodes are available to you free of charge!

The Series Launched in May & June 2023!!

Produced by Ayelet Ephrati, directed by Eitan Sarid, assisted by Shlomit Goldin-Halevi, Didier Bodin, Maia Hoffman & Avi Melamed.

The series is in English. But we are considering adapting the series to the Arabic and Hebrew speaking audience as well.






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