Shalom from Israel.
As the war evolves, understanding the context and connecting the dots becomes even more critical. This is why I decided to RELAUNCH my Israel At War Webinar Series “from the beginning.” I would like to thank those of you who attended last Sunday’s Briefing. I apologize for the sound issue. Below is a link to the briefing with corrected audio. I will do my best to ensure that does not happen again.
My next planned briefing will be SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 18th, at [7 PM Israel, 12 Noon Eastern, 9 AM Pacific].
Please note that going forward (unless I decide to launch a new series and ‘start from the beginning again – which I might…), each briefing will build on the other. This means that next Sunday’s briefing – and subsequent briefings- will not delve into “how we got here.” Instead, it will focus on ” where are we and where are we going?” AND, I will try to answer your questions. So either leave questions in the Chat or Q & A during or following the Briefing OR email them to me at Av*@Av********.com
Please forward the recordng of LAST Sunday’s briefing to anyone you think may be interested. ALSO – please invite anyone to NEXT WEEK’S webinar to anyone you think might be interested.
I hope you will join me on SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 18th, at [7 PM Israel, 12 Noon Eastern, 9 AM Pacific].
In the meantime, you can follow my ongoing analysis on the ITME HUB!
Shalom from Israel,