Thank you for attending our Webinar - ITME - Avi Melamed - Israel at War


Shalom from Israel.

As the war evolves, understanding the context and connecting the dots becomes even more critical. This is why I decided to RELAUNCH my Israel At War Webinar Series “from the beginning.” I would like to thank those of you who attended last Sunday’s Briefing. I apologize for the sound issue. Below is a link to the briefing with corrected audio. I will do my best to ensure that does not happen again.

My next planned briefing will be SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 18th, at [7 PM Israel, 12 Noon Eastern, 9 AM Pacific].

Please note that going forward (unless I decide to launch a new series and ‘start from the beginning again – which I might…), each briefing will build on the other. This means that next Sunday’s briefing – and subsequent briefings- will not delve into “how we got here.” Instead, it will focus on ” where are we and where are we going?” AND, I will try to answer your questions. So either leave questions in the Chat or Q & A during or following the Briefing OR email them to me at


Please forward the recordng of LAST Sunday’s briefing to anyone you think may be interested. ALSO – please invite anyone to NEXT WEEK’S webinar to anyone you think might be interested.

I hope you will join me on SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 18th, at [7 PM Israel, 12 Noon Eastern, 9 AM Pacific].

In the meantime, you can follow my ongoing analysis on the ITME HUB!

Shalom from Israel,


Thank you for attending our Webinar

If you have any questions you would like me to discuss in our next session. Please send them to


If you want to share these briefings, recommend me, or if you simply couldn’t attend, below are the links to the recordings of the previous sessions.


The current war between Israel and Hamas is a defining moment in the Middle East. As the world grapples with the escalating conflict, understanding the core issues becomes vital. Are we fully aware of what fuels this war? What led us to this critical juncture? What does “the day after” look like? What implications does it hold for the West? In this unique briefing, Avi unravels the complexities of this crucial chapter with clear, in-depth analysis. His presentation provides a nuanced contextualization of this moment in the histories of Israel, the Palestinians, and the Middle East and guides us through the labyrinth of events and their potential aftermath.

Inside The Middle East | Intelligence Perspectives [ITME], founded by Avi Melamed – reaches millions around the world – counteracting the tide of oversimplified narratives and misinformation with articles, videos, media interviews and tours, and briefings for organizations across the globe!

By Supporting ITME You Will Help Us:
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Ensure that the world gets a balanced view of the unfolding events in the Middle East.