Masters of Chaos: The Iranian Mullah Regime

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Masters of Chaos: The Iranian Mullah Regime

The UN Security Council has issued the fourth round of sanctions on Iran.

It is enormously important to understand how dangerous this regime is and it is and no less important to confront the voices in the world that, either out of moral confusion or lack of understanding, or worse – out of cynical calculations – are trying to justify and legitimize the nuclear ambition of one of the most dangerous regimes in the world.

Chaos is a good friend of the Iranian Mullah regime. And that regime is making sure to create chaos wherever and whenever it can. Iran, under the Mullah regime, as described by the US State Department, is “the most active state sponsor of terrorism”(U.S. Department of State, 2008).

Please take a few minutes to read and, if you could, circulate the following brief analysis, describing the Iranian Mullah regime’s fingerprints in the Middle East and Central Asia:


The Iranian regime is physically occupying Iraqi soil in a “salami process” (piece by piece).

A few months ago, Iranian forces invaded Iraqi soil in the southern portion of Iraq – an area of oil wells.

These very days, reports indicate that Iranian forces are massively attacking, with artillery, the Kurdish villages located in the district of Haj Omran in Northern Iraq. Kurdish villages and crops are being destroyed. It is also reported that Iranian forces invading the district are paving ways for military convoys. The Iranians claim that the district is a haven for the militant Kurdish group “Bijak,” which, according to the Iranians, is responsible for the killing of a senior Iranian commander a couple of weeks ago. The Kurds know that the real reason for Iranian aggression is totally different. The Iranian regime, which is deeply involved in Iraqi internal politics, is making enormous efforts to ensure that the outcome of the Iraqi elections complies with the interests of the Iranian regime. The Iranian regime is signaling to the Kurds of Iraq (one of the central and key components of the Iraqi political structure) to consider their moves carefully. It is little wonder that up until now, as an outcome of the Iranian interference, the Iraqis have failed in their attempts to assemble a government and to bring stability to Iraq. Stability in Iraq is the last thing that the Iranian regime is interested in.


Last year the Egyptians uncovered a terror cell of Hezbollah (Iran’s proxy in Lebanon) that was operating in Egypt. Among other activities, the cell was smuggling weapons into Gaza for Hamas and building a terror infrastructure in the Sinai Peninsula. The Sinai Peninsula is one of Egypt’s primary sources of tourism income. The activists in this terror cell were recently sentenced by the Egyptians to a very long prison term.

The Yemeni-Saudi border:

During the 2nd half of 2009, a bitter war took place along the Yemeni-Saudi border in a mountainous area called Jabl Jizan. The story was this. A Yemenite Shiite tribe called the Huti’yin (the Houthis), heavily armed by the Iranian regime, waged an attack on Saudi soil. In this attack, a couple of Saudi soldiers were killed. As a response, the Saudis retaliated. The Yemenite tribe then made a huge mistake. They launched a massive rocket attack on Saudi villages. As a response, the Saudis evacuated 250 villages. When they were done evacuating those villages they took off their gloves. They sent in everything they had in their possession – troops, artillery, airpower, rockets, etc. Dozens of villages on the Yemeni side were destroyed. The number of casualties is unknown, probably thousands of people were killed – many of them civilians. No pictures of this war were to be found on TV screens around the world.Aljazeera, the professional provocateur in the service of radical factors in the Middle East, was advised “politely” by Saudi intelligence to stay out of the area. The Saudi conditions for ending their attack on the Yemeni villages were this: The Yemeni tribe, the Huti’yin, (the Houthis) was forced to sign a humiliating six-point surrender agreement document that was dictated word by word by the Saudis. This war, in fact, was between Saudi Arabia, a major leader of the Muslim Sunni world, and its bitter enemy, the Iranian Mullah regime. The Iranian regime was defeated on the Saudi-Yemenite border – for now.

The Arab (Persian) Gulf:

Three strategically important Islands in the Arab (Persian) Gulf area were occupied by Iran in 1971. These Islands are known as Abu Musa – Tunb the Great and Tunb the Small. As tension is now escalating in the Gulf area, the Arab Emirate Foreign Minister recently described the Iranian rule on these Islands as “an occupation of an Arab land no different from the Israeli occupation.” As a response to this comment, the Iranians sent military enforcements to the island off the shore of the Arab Emirates. The Iranians also promised: “We will not forget the insult.”

Kuwait recently declared it has discovered an Iranian terror cell that was operating on its soil. In response, Iranian battleships started maneuvering off the shores of Kuwait. The Kuwaitis took the hint and lay low.

A senior advisor to the Iranian spiritual leader described the state of Bahrain as the 14th district of Iran (seventy percent of the population of Bahrain is Shiite).

The eastern part of Saudi Arabia is the area with the big Saudi oil reserves. It is also the area populated by a large Shiite population. Hezbollah (the Iranian proxy) has an active branch operating in that area.

The Iranian regime’s regional ambitions (above and others) are generating an enormous amount of anxiety among the Arab Gulf States, Saudi Arabia, and Egypt. The rulers of the Arab Gulf States are on the verge of a total nervous breakdown because of the Iranian expansion ambitions. And they are not paranoid. They have very good reasons to be afraid. They look at the Palestinian territories and Lebanon.

The Palestinian Territories:

In the summer of 2007 Hamas, the radical Islamic Palestinian terror organization, massively armed, funded and trained by the Iranian regime, took over the Gaza Strip in a bloody coup in which they overthrew the Palestinian Authority, and along the way threw PA people from the rooftops of Gaza.

Hamas and its Iranian and Syrian masters can proudly mark the following achievements in Gaza over the past 4 years

  • Establishing Taliban-style rule in Gaza
  • Shooting thousands of rockets into Israeli cities
  • Dragging about 70% of the people of Gaza below the poverty line – the average salary is less than 2 dollars per day
  • Forcing Israel to wage a self-defense military operation aimed to stop the never-ending rocket fire launched by Hamas and other radical Islam factors on Israeli cities
  • Turning Gaza into a haven for radical Islamic militants that flooded into Gaza to join the party. Of course, Hamas, a radical Islamic terror organization, that defines Jews officially as “descendants of pigs and apes” and officially calls for the “slaughter of Jews wherever you may find them now faces increasing challenges posed by the other radical Islamic activists now operating in Gaza (many of them either current or previous Hamas terror activists — it’s a well-paid position to be a radical Islamic terrorist these days in Gaza). These radical Islamic groups are challenging Hamas and criticizing it for not being radical enough…
  • Hamas (as well as Hezbollah, Iran’s proxy in Lebanon) terror cells operate in Egypt, coordinating and cooperating with their Egyptian brothers in arms, threatening to destabilize Egyptian rule, the most important Arab state

These very days, reportedly, the Iranian Mullah regime is declaring its intention to send Iranian ships to Gaza, carrying “humanitarian aid” and “Iranian peace activists” and escorted by Iranian Naval ships.


In May 2008, Beirut, the capital of Lebanon, was physically overtaken and occupied in a bloody coup by Hezbollah, the Shiite Lebanese faction that was created by the Iranian Revolutionary Guard in the 1980s as part of the concept of “Exporting the Iranian revolution.” In this coup, the Hezbollah militants, heavily armed by the Iranians and the Syrians, occupied Beirut and its outskirts within hours. A few days later, once Hezbollah’s (i.e. Iran’s) political demands were achieved, the Hezbollah pulled out. The next day, the same Hezbollah militants, covered the steps leading to the Lebanese President’s palace with flowers as an act of “reconciliation.”

Heavily armed and funded by the Iranians and the Syrians, Hezbollah, in Lebanon, has military strength equal to a fully armed Iranian Revolutionary Guard Division (the elite force and spine of the Iranian regime) with rockets and missile capability only a few nations have. The Lebanese army stands no chance to confront the Hezbollah, while the Lebanese political system is taken hostage by the Iranian’s local executor – Hezbollah.

Hezbollah weaves with its massive weaponry and the slogan of “Almukawama” (“the resistance”) in the inner terminology of the region today, Almukawama means – among other things – fighting Israel until it has vanished.

2010 Lebanon is a sad place; it is occupied, through remote control, by the Iranian Mullah regime and its ally, the Syrian regime. The executor of that occupation is Hezbollah. Lebanon, historically, a Western affiliated Arab state, that used to be known as “Switzerland of the Middle East” is now on its way to become “The Islamic Republic of Lebanon.” Hezbollah and its Iranian and Syrian masters are the real bosses of Lebanon.


CIA reports indicate that the Iranian regime is supporting Taliban and Al-Qaida Terror activists that are operating against US and NATO troops in Afghanistan. Recent reports suggest that Osama Bin Laden and top Al-Qaida commanders find refuge in Iran. Bin Laden’s son and some members of his family moved recently from Iran to Syria.

Inside Iran:

This week the Iranian people are commemorating the June 2009 elections in Iran, which led to an outburst of demonstrations by millions of Iranians chanting on the streets of Iran: “Where is my voice?” “What happened to my vote?” and screaming from the roof-tops “Death to the Dictator” (Ali Hamenai’i-the spiritual leader of Iran). The Iranian Mullah regime brutally oppressed the demonstrations, killing hundreds of Iranians – mostly students – and arresting and torturing many others.

The Iranian people are commemorating it quietly. The Mullah regime made it very clear – it will not enable any expression of protest even if it’s a legitimate and peaceful one.

On June 20th, 2009, a young beautiful Iranian woman, Nedaa Sultan, was shot dead by the Iranian governmental militia as she was demonstrating on the street. The last seconds of her life were caught on video. Nedaa became a symbol of the Iranian people’s outcry for freedom. Nedaa became a symbol. These days a movie commemorating her life and her death was published on TV YouTube Iranian Mullah regime in Iran is trying to block the broadcasting of the movie by cutting electricity and blocking the Internet.


The President of the Iranian Mullah regime, the same regime that generates chaos whenever and wherever it can, the same regime that brutally butchers its own young people as they are chanting for freedom, is calling the state of Israel time and again “a virus”, “a cancer” describing Jews as “descendants of pigs and apes” and promising that “this cancer will be eradicated”.

Until that day, the Iranian Mullah regime (and its ally- the Syrian regime)are heavily arming its proxies – Hezbollah on Israel’s northern border and Hamas and Islamic Jihad on Israel Southwest border, with thousands of rockets, missiles, and other advanced weapon systems.

This massively armed infrastructure, already used to attack Israeli cities, is waiting for the time to come to launch a new massive rocket and missile attacks on Israeli cities. When the Iranian Mullah regime will decide that the time is right – he will order its proxies The Hezbollah and Hamas to attack. Don’t worry: They will find or come up with, the excuse.

The Iranian long-range Missile program:

In recent years the Iranian Mullah regime has successfully developed long-range missile capacity that enables that regime to reach large parts of Europe today. Reportedly, the Iranian regime is interested in developing intercontinental missiles capability as well while working on the development of a nuclear warhead for these missiles.

The Iranian missile capacity was developed by North Korea. Today, the picture has changed. The Iranian regime is providing the North Koreans with knowledge and expertise.

The Iranian Inner Codes and Thought Processes

One cannot really understand the seriousness of the Iranian Mullah regime’s intimidation without understanding the inner codes and language of that regime.

Values like “takiah” (you are entitled to change, disguise or fake your identity if you feel you that you are persecuted because of your Shiite belief) or “Tanfih” (you are entitled to mislead and deceive in order to achieve your Shiite goals) are deeply rooted within the Shiite tradition and way of thinking.

In Western culture, negotiation is a “means to an end” – a tool that has a clear purpose and a goal. Iranians perceive it totally differently. In the Iranian culture negotiation is not a tool – it’s an entity that stands for itself regardless of the outcomes or purpose of the negotiation. A famous Middle Eastern saying is “When it comes to business – what the Iranian average shopkeeper has forgotten – we haven’t even learned yet….”

An Iranian nuclear weapon will be “the wind beneath their wings” for the Iranian radical proxies and the Iranian regime’s radical ideology. Under a nuclear umbrella, the Iranian Mullah regime will dictate the regional and global agenda.

An Iranian nuclear weapon is a guarantee for an inevitable massive collision down the road. The aftershock of that collision will have a global impact.

Imagine our world with an Iranian Mullah regime that possesses a nuclear weapon.

If you want to have a better understanding of the news and what really drives the unfolding events…
Read the latest book of Avi Melamed,

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Avi Melamed
Avi Melamed
Avi Melamed is an expert on current affairs in the Arab & Muslim World and their impact on Israel & the Middle East. A former Israeli Intelligence Official & Senior Official on Arab Affairs, Fluent in Arabic, English, and Hebrew, he has held high-risk Government, Senior Advisory, Intelligence & Counter-Terrorist intelligence positions in Arab cities & communities - often in very sensitive times - on behalf of Israeli Government agencies. He is the Founder & CEO of Inside the Middle East | Intelligence Perspectives - an apolitical non-partisan curriculum using intelligence methodology to examine the Middle East. As an Author, Educator, Expert, and Strategic Intelligence Analyst, Avi provides Intelligence Analysis, Briefings, and Geopolitical Tours to diplomats, Israeli and foreign policymakers, global media outlets, and a wide variety of international businesses, organizations, and private clients on a range of Israel and Middle East Affairs.

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