- Avi Frames the Topic, Builds the Database, and Gives the Background Information Necessary to Deepen and Enhance Understanding of the Topic [Each Briefing Room is different and either reflects the latest / current news events OR subjects a particular client, group, or organization wants to explore].
- Avi Interviews the Guest
- Open Q & A From the Audience

The Briefing Room offers insider access to the most current geopolitical analysis from across the Arab world.
The Briefing Room provides insights, perspectives, and resources not covered in the Western Media.
In the Briefing Room, Avi focuses on one topic and includes a regional guest from the Arab / Muslim world.
The Briefing Room is a distinct, interactive, exclusive opportunity to get an insider’s perspective from one of the region’s foremost experts and his colleagues from across the Arab and Muslim world.
The Middle East is a Chain of Links. What Happens in one part impacts what happens in another. And what happens in the Middle East does not stay in the Middle East. Avi Melamed Takes You Inside the Middle East and Help You Connect The Dots and Build A Three Dimensional Picture of Reality.