Avi Melamed

Avi Melamed is an expert on current affairs in the Arab & Muslim World and their impact on Israel & the Middle East. A former Israeli Intelligence Official & Senior Official on Arab Affairs, Fluent in Arabic, English, and Hebrew, he has held high-risk Government, Senior Advisory, Intelligence & Counter-Terrorist intelligence positions in Arab cities & communities - often in very sensitive times - on behalf of Israeli Government agencies. He is the Founder & CEO of Inside the Middle East | Intelligence Perspectives - an apolitical non-partisan curriculum using intelligence methodology to examine the Middle East. As an Author, Educator, Expert, and Strategic Intelligence Analyst, Avi provides Intelligence Analysis, Briefings, and Geopolitical Tours to diplomats, Israeli and foreign policymakers, global media outlets, and a wide variety of international businesses, organizations, and private clients on a range of Israel and Middle East Affairs.

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Vienna, Aden, Damascus

Vienna, Aden, Damascus The signing of the Vienna agreement on July 14, 2015 between Iran and the “Five Plus One” states, China, France, Russia, the United Kingdom United States, plus Germany regarding the Iranian nuclear program...

Crisis in Yemen: Significant Milestone

Crisis in Yemen: Significant Milestone | In October 2014 I published an article entitled “Sixty Six Egyptian Fisherman, Yemen, and Instability in The Middle East” in which I said: The events in the fall of 2014 would...

הסרט שנגנז התגלה

הסרט שנגנז התגלה הקדמה קצרה: את המאמר שתקראו כתבתי כבר בחודש מרס 2014, לאחר שפורסם ברשת יוטיוב סרטון עלילתי קצר של 8 דקות בשם “ירמוכ” של בימאי ערבי בשם מחמד בכרי. זמן קצר לאחר מכן הודיע...

Yarmuk Movie: Kill the Messenger

Yarmuk Movie: Kill the Messenger The article you are about to read was actually written in April 2014. I wrote the article following an eight-minute fiction movie called Yarmuk that was published on YouTube in March 2014. The...

סעודיה: מלך חדש, ריקוד ישן

סעודיה: מלך חדש, ריקוד ישן המלך עבדאללה בן עבד אלעזיז אל-סעוד, מלכה השישי של סעודיה (2005-2015) הלך לעולמו בגיל 91. עבדאללה היה הבן ה – 12 מתוך 36 בנים (ומספר בלתי ידוע של בנות) של מייסד...

Saudi Arabia: New King, Old Dance

Saudi Arabia: New King, Old Dance King Abdullah Bin Abd-Alaziz, the sixth king of Saudi Arabia, died on January 23, 2015 at age of 91. King Abdullah Bin Abd-Alaziz, ruled Saudi Arabia for ten years from 2005...

מסר משמעותי

מסר משמעותי Below is the Hebrew version of the English article I posted yesterday “A Significant Message“. ארגון חזבאללה הלבנוני הודיע כי שישה מפעיליו נהרגו בתקיפה שהתרחשה באיזור קנייטרה בצד הסורי של רמת הגולן ב 18 בינואר. בנוסף, הודיעה אירן רשמית...

A Significant Message…

A Significant Message, the Lebanese Shiite organization Hezbollah announced that six of its militants were killed on the Syrian side of the Golan Heights on January 18th. In addition, the Iranian Revolutionary Guards announced that an...

Muslim Brotherhood at the Crossroads

Muslim Brotherhood at the Crossroads | The Middle East continues to constantly provide dramatic events in different areas – in Syria, Yemen, Egypt, Iraq and other places. However, I would like to divert your attention...



Foreign Interference, Much? Chuck Schumer Calls for New Elections in Israel | TOWNHALL

Foreign Interference, Much? Chuck Schumer Calls for New Elections in Israel | Avi Melamed’s insights quoted in this article by Rebecca Downs  for TOWNHALL. Netanyahu...

How Israel plots to wipe out terrorists on Hamas ‘kill list’ with brutal war tactics | EXPRESS UK

Avi Melamed’s insights quoted in “How Israel plots to wipe out terrorists on Hamas 'kill list' with brutal war tactics", an article by Oli...

How Israel could respond to Iran attack ? | DAILY MAIL

How Israel could respond to Iran attack - from covert ops behind enemy lines to blitz on Tehran's proxies or devastating missile and 'bunker...

Iran’s Quandary: How to Stay out of Israel’s War on Hamas | REUTERS

Avi Melamed’s insights quoted in “Iran's quandary: How to stay out of Israel's war on Hamas", an article by Parisa Hafezi, Jonathan Saul and...


Session Two | STATEHOOD & NATIONALISM IN THE MIDDLE EAST IN THE 20TH CENTURY https://youtu.be/dmdUZh84204 Session Agenda Where We Left Off…. The End Of The Turkish Ottoman...