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| ITME |


Empowering Minds. Bridging Differences. Building Community.

” As the conflict intensifies, misconceptions and biases surge. In these critical times, equipping individuals with unbiased education, knowledge, and understanding isn’t just important—it’s imperative! “

Inside The Middle East | Intelligence Perspectives [ITME], founded by Avi Melamed – reaches millions around the world – counteracting the tide of oversimplified narratives and misinformation with articles, videos, media interviews, and briefings for organizations across the globe!

Inside The Middle East | Intelligence Perspectives [ITME] is dedicated to apolitical, non-partisan education about the Middle East.

ITME provides customized educational experiences, knowledge, tools, and resources to organizations, private individuals, students, practitioners, and leaders.

We believe that by providing individuals with the knowledge, skills, and tools to engage in constructive, productive, and tolerant dialogue, as well as fostering enriching encounters among people from diverse ideological backgrounds, we can help them gain a comprehensive understanding of Israel, the Middle East, and effectively navigate the complexities of our global landscape.


Providing students, professionals, and leaders with an apolitical, comprehensive, nuanced education about the Middle East transforms their ability to understand the complex geopolitics of the Middle East and enhances their critical thinking and media literacy capabilities.

At ITME, we believe there's no substitute for authentic, informed education—and we're here to support you every step of the way!

We deliver apolitical, authentic, contextualized non-partisan, nuanced intelligence-based educational programs prooting critical thinking to students to veteran leaders across the ideological, political, professional, and religious spectrum, replacing oversimplified narratives with critically needed balanced education and information.

Film Screenings
Informal Meetings
And ALWAYS Plenty of Time for Q & A

Whether you want to provide a single briefing to your organization, offer a course to your constituents, design an experiential education program, or build a strategic partnership, we are here for you!

As the Middle East evolves, so does our content. Whether you're a novice or a seasoned learner, ITME adapts to your evolving educational needs. We're committed to being your constant in an ever-changing geopolitical landscape, providing the real, in-depth education that the complexities of our world demand.

Become part of a growing global community dedicated to understanding the nuances of the Mddle East! Join us on the journey to real education!

Equipping them with the resources and tools they desperately seek to deepen their own understanding, thereby empowering them to educate others, helps them gain confidence, feel more informed, and equipped to have constructive and productive conversations about Israel and the Middle East.

ITME's growing digital product line, customized shareable educational resources, and our increased investment in traditional and social media, is designed to equip you with the resources and tools to further your understanding of Israel and the Middle East.

Inside The Middle East | The Primer, scheduled to be released in the Fall of 2024, features authentic voices from the Arab and Muslim world that are often absent in Western discourse

The Seam Line docuseries - a transformative journey toward understanding, cooperation, and constructive dialogue explores the conflict in and over Jerusalem.

Inside The Middle East | Entering A New Era, your quintessential guide to the Middle East challenges common Western concepts, narratives, and theories, providing a rare insider's view.

The Briefing Room An online presentation and discussion platform sharing unique voices from the Arab world

ITME doesn't just present facts; it equips users with the tools to connect the dots and comprehend the multifaceted nature of the Middle East.

By placing a spotlight on perspectives often overshadowed by Western media, ITME offers an unparalleled depth of insight.

At the heart of ITME's commitment to Middle Eastern geopolitical education is the ITME HUB, an dynamic and ever evolving media resource platform featuring articles, briefings, interviews, podcasts, videos, etc. in Arabic and English.

ITME educational programs plus equippig them with ITME resources and tools. empowers individuals, as well as communities, to navigate the complexities of the current geopolitical landscape and educate others with clarity and confidence.

"What Avi brings is different – and exactly what we need!" Undergraduate, University of Michigan, Hillel Israel Summit Attendee

"Avi was able to use his wealth of knowledge to answer questions with conviction in a way that was digestible." Jonah Snyder, IACT Israel Coordinator, University of Miami

"Every student went away from the talk feeling they had a more complete understanding of the conflict, and the necessary information to engage with it more holistically going forward." Anna Portnoy, Undergraduate, New York University Co’2024

"I have a much better understanding of the conflict and more context to better process news updates and information as they arrive." Sophia Emmanuel, UM Co’2025

"The board and staff mentioned that it was the best presentation that we have ever had, and they are now more informed and capable of having productive conversations with people who question Israel." Laura Friedman, Executive Director, Shimon and Sara Birnbaum Jewish Community Center

"Your ability to articulate the nuances of the current situation has enlightened us and inspired a collective desire to delve deeper into these crucial issues." Miriam Zirdok, Adult Engagement Director, Michael-Ann Russell JCC

These quotes highlight Avi's unique approach, his ability to engage and inform, and the lasting impact of his presentations on various audiences.

Each of these initiatives exemplifies ITME's commitment to fostering a non-partisan understanding of the Middle East, empowering individuals through informed perspectives, bridging ideological gaps, and promoting dialogue and understanding among diverse groups.

Building community through an understanding of the intricate dynamics of the Middle East.

As an analyst and the Founder of Inside The Middle East | Intelligence Perspectives [ITME], Avi Melamed is dedicated to providing apolitical, non-partisan, professional knowledge about the Middle East. His apolitical and non-partisan approach provides the knowledge, skills, and tools that enable people from across the ideological and political spectrum to engage in inclusive, pragmatic, tolerant, and productive dialogue and discussions.

HIGH SCHOOL INTERACTIVE EDUCATION | Through a structured, guided, and engaging process, the ITME Intelligence Curriculum provides universally applicable skills and tools based on Israeli intelligence analysis techniques, to evaluate the reliability of the information.

In today's digital age, the majority of individuals, especially young people, get their information predominantly from online platforms like Facebook, Instagram, Snapchat, and others. The surge of catchy slogans, emotional stories, and captivating multimedia tailored for Western audiences frequently paints an incomplete, and at times, misleading representation of the real world. This often goes unchallenged, with many blindly accepting it as the absolute truth. Recognizing this alarming trend, ITME introduces an innovative Intelligence Curriculum. This program, inspired by Israeli intelligence analysis methods, equips students with a critical mindset, empowering them to instinctively question and evaluate the credibility of information they encounter. The structured and immersive ITME curriculum ensures students acquire universally relevant skills and tools, ultimately fostering a generation that values accuracy over virality.

ITME offers gap year and undergraduate students a unique, unbiased dive into the contemporary Middle East, focusing on an apolitical and non-partisan educational curriculum. Harnessing intelligence methodologies, we arm students with analytic tools, promoting an objective understanding that transcends Western media biases. We champion a fresh, critical approach to media and political narratives, shaping informed, discerning future leaders. Our flexible, modular programs can be tailored to fit briefings, seminars, or extended academic sessions, with opportunities for direct Middle East immersion through international travel. In essence, ITME cultivates media-literate thinkers equipped to navigate the complexities of global perspectives.


Dedicated to providing an apolitical, non-partisan, intelligence-based perspective on the Middle East, ITME empowers leaders and policymakers to distinguish fact from fiction. Through our programs, participants are trained to think critically, challenge prevailing narratives, and analyze primary sources, ensuring a nuanced understanding of pressing geopolitical matters. ITME's leadership courses are meticulously crafted to ensure that future decision-makers possess a profound comprehension of Israel and its neighboring regions. By equipping them with the analytical prowess to interpret regional occurrences, we ensure they can foresee and adeptly navigate the trajectory of unfolding events, an indispensable skill for crafting impactful policies. In essence, ITME is shaping informed, foresighted leaders for tomorrow's global challenges.


Dedicated to providing an apolitical, non-partisan, intelligence-based perspective on the Middle East, ITME empowers leaders and policymakers to distinguish fact from fiction. Through our programs, participants are trained to think critically, challenge prevailing narratives, and analyze primary sources, ensuring a nuanced understanding of pressing geopolitical matters. ITME's leadership courses are meticulously crafted to ensure that future decision-makers possess a profound comprehension of Israel and its neighboring regions. By equipping them with the analytical prowess to interpret regional occurrences, we ensure they can foresee and adeptly navigate the trajectory of unfolding events, an indispensable skill for crafting impactful policies. In essence, ITME is shaping informed, foresighted leaders for tomorrow's global challenges.


Each of these initiatives exemplifies ITME's commitment to fostering a non-partisan understanding of the Middle East, empowering individuals through informed perspectives, bridging ideological gaps, and promoting dialogue and understanding among diverse groups.

ITME Story & Team

From 2013 - 2018, Avi served as the Salisbury Fellow of Intelligence and Middle East Affairs for the Eisenhower Institute. Under his leadership, ITME grew from an undergraduate initiative, to include workshops and seminars from High Schools to Capitol Hill and Jewish communal leadership, directly impacting the outlook, educational path, and career trajectory of more than 200 current and future leaders.

In its sixth year - now an independent 501c3, ITME has the same mission - to provide a non-partisan education on the contemporary Middle East while teaching critical analysis in an innovative and engaging fashion. ITME’s goal is to ensure that the next generation of policy influencers will be equipped with the knowledge, skills, and tools to independently and accurately decipher the Middle East and accurately predict the direction of future events.

Avi’s journey began at the left of the graph, with one-on-one or one-to-few interactions as an expert consultant, guide or lecturer for non-profits or tour groups.  His skills were quickly recognized—as an educator, Avi is capable of conveying complex and nuanced ideas in a non-partisan, apolitical manner that diverse groups could incorporate into their everyday jobs and take back to their communities.

Inside The Middle East | Intelligence Perspectives [ITME] began as an undergraduate Intel-Education curriculum in 2012 when Avi was appointed the Fellow of Intelligence and Middle East Affairs at the Eisenhower Institute. In 2016, Avi published his 2nd book on the Middle East, “Inside The Middle East | Making Sense of the Most Dangerous and Complicated Region on Earth,” further establishing his reputation as an independent expert on the broader Middle East. In 2018, ITME expanded to Capitol Hill, teaching staffers of both parties.

Between 2012 and 2020, Avi focused his educational efforts on high school students, undergraduates, and Capitol Hill legislators. ITME’s “classroom” curriculum (spanning from 20 – 60 hours) followed by an experiential education field seminar to Israel and the Palestinian Territories, had a tremendous impact on the way High School Students in the Bronx, undergraduate students at Gettysburg College, and Capitol Hill Staffers looked at Israel, the Middle East, and the world. Through the ITME praxis, Avi transforms students and practitioners into knowledgeable, media-literate, critical thinkers. To quote Avi’s students and alumni – – ITME doesn’t tell you what to think ITME teaches you HOW to think.

With the goal of equipping current and future leaders with the knowledge, skills, and tools they need to accurately decipher the Middle East and empower them to navigate complex reality, in 2018, Avi created his think tank, ‘Inside the Middle East—Intelligence Perspectives’ (or ITME), a non-profit capable of undertaking multi-modal initiatives, from lectures to publishing to webcasts to film.  He engaged as an educator for larger groups, moving to the right on the ‘media megaphone.’ 

Under Avi’s leadership, ITME has evolved from a college course to a global institute offering knowledge and educational experiences tailored to organizations, individuals, students, practitioners, and leaders. We provide a comprehensive range of briefings, tours, courses, lectures, programs, seminars, and workshops both in person and online. Our programs and products (including articles, books, documentaries, and videos) are designed to merge intelligence and media literacy, delivering nuanced, apolitical perspectives to help people better understand the Middle East. We aim to empower diverse audiences through knowledge, believing that by providing them with the skills and tools for constructive dialogue, we can help them navigate the complexities of Israel, the Middle East, and our global landscape.

In 2020, guided by a diverse Board of Directors, ITME made a strategic decision to pivot and focus our educational efforts on the Jewish community. That decision was driven by the fact that Israel was becoming an increasingly divisive issue in the Jewish community and the understanding that we had a distinct praxis that we believed could solidify Israel as a central component of Jewish identity, strengthen the relationship between Israel and American Jews, and anchor Israel as a central component of identity for current and emerging young American Jewish leaders.

ITME achieved an inflection through several initiatives: (1) a one-to-many webcast known as ‘The Briefing Room’, which included expert voices from across the Middle East – just one of ITME’s many initiatives offering voices from the Arab world not present in Western discourse or covered in Western media; (2) an increasingly sophisticated web presence, including The ITME HUB, featuring resources available from across ITME’s ‘product line’; (3) a documentary for streaming, called ‘The Seam Line,’ drawn from Avi’s front-line role in Jerusalem during the first Intifada; (4) publication of a second book, titled “Inside the Middle East—Entering a New Era”; and (5) launch of a nationwide speaking tour, ‘ITME ON THE ROAD | EMPOWER MINDS. BRIDGE DIFFERENCES. STRENGTHEN COMMUNITY, in partnership with the JCC Association of North America and a new partnership with Hillel – ‘EDUCATE. EQUIP. EMPOWER.

Due to this multi-media effort and expanding national partnerships, Avi’s brand exposure exploded. Avi and ITME publish original articles in numerous outlets, including as a regular contributor to USA Today, which has the largest daily newspaper circulation in the US.  He gives live analysis for global media in English, Arabic, and Hebrew, including Al-Arabiya, Al-Hura, AP, ABC, BBC, Bloomberg, CNN, CBC, the Daily Beast, the Financial Times, Fox, NBC, Newsweek, NPR, Reuters, SkyNews, and others. Avi continues to offer briefings to leading journalists, government officials, and influencers in person and via the web.

The importance of Avi’s capacity to bring clarity, depth, nuance, and accuracy has only been elevated after Hamas’ terror attack of October 7, 2023, and the ensuing war. Avi and ITME present ‘Israel at War’ broadcast briefings. In his comprehensive educator style, Avi goes beyond the ‘headlines’ to unravel complexity, counteract misconceptions, and establish a framework to enable people to determine for themselves the ‘why’ and the ‘what’s next.’

Since October 7th alone, ITME and its Founder and Lead Educator, Avi Melamed, have held hundreds of virtual and in-person briefings in Israel and abroad to scores of organizations reaching tens of thousands of people around the world in over 45 countries and 7 continents. That is in addition to briefing dozens of international journalists on the front lines, over 1,500 interviews and Avi having published and been quoted over 2,000 times in over 2,000 publications in over 50 countries translated in over 15 languages. Today ITME reaches millions worldwide, counteracting the tide of oversimplified narratives and misinformation with articles, videos, media interviews, and briefings for organizations across the globe.


ITME has several projects in the works that will continue to leverage the institutions and audiences that have come to rely on Avi and his capacity to contextualizeinform, and empower.  These include an extended North American speaking tour – ITME-ON-THE-ROAD-360 | BRINGING CLARITY AMIDST CHAOS, Authentic Education. Educate Individuals. Empower Minds. Equip Community. Bridge Differences. Build Unity; the Inside The Middle East | “The Primer,” a one-hour video laying the educational foundation for navigating the geopolitics of the Middle East; online digital tools to educate and empower;  partnerships that amplify Avi’s voice and ITME’s reach, practical and empowering educational tools, expansion of ‘The Briefing Room’ and, as long as necessary, the ‘Israel at War’ webcast, and a new book. Fundamental to all of these plans is Avi’s commitment to direct, personal education.  He is an intelligence analyst at heart—seeking data from original source material, contextualizing such data in light of centuries of Middle Eastern history and contemporary friction points, and deriving and evaluating alternative future paths or scenarios. He is neither a politician nor a protagonist.  He will not speak in convenient sound bites.

Through multi-modal media with substantial audiences, Avi and ITME will empower both future leaders and consumers of popular news with knowledge and tools to engage in constructive, productive, and tolerant dialogue and foster enriching encounters among people from diverse ideological backgrounds.



Chief Education Officer

Avi Melamed’s professional background has 3 major elements – Arab Affairs, education & intelligence. For the past 15 years, he has dedicated his experience and skills to equip people with knowledge, skills, and tools to understand the Middle East. Avi’s philosophy is that in order to understand Israel, you have to understand the Middle East. Over the course of his career, Avi is proud of the fact that he has gained credibility and trust among a wide variety of audiences - conservatives, progressives, Jews, non-Jews, and across the Arab world.


Chief Experience Officer

Maia is a Bespoke Travel Consultant, the Founder of Inside The Middle East Interactive Educational Israel Experiences, and a Special Consultant to the Harry & Jeanette Weinberg Foundation. Maia earned her B.A. in Islamic and Judaic Studies from Brandeis University. Her M.A. in Middle Eastern Languages & Cultures from Columbia University. She graduated with honors from both institutions.

Eli Ovits


Eli Ovits was appointed President of Inside The Middle East Inc (ITME) in 2021. Eli shares the passion and commitment of ITME’s founders: To educate the public, with an emphasis on current and future leaders in the United Stared and around the world on current affairs in the Arab and Muslim World and their impact on the Middle East. Eli has worked in a range of sectors including philanthropy, media / government relations, communications, and strategy.

Didier Bodin

Design & Communication

" Last February 2022, on our New Book Launch & Teaching Tour, we have traversed the United States.
We have had the honor of briefing and educating high school and college students, business, government, and community leaders, media professionals, and communities at large in Florida, Maryland, New York, Pennsylvania, Texas, Utah, and Washington, DC."

We are profoundly grateful to our visionary Board of Directors and our generous donors
Annie Berdy | Carl Chiappa | Josh Fidler | Ronnie Footlick | Beth Goldsmith | Yossef Mars